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The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit word “Yuj” ('to yolk') unite, bring together or integrate.  On a spiritual level, this joining refers to the union of the individual consciousness and the universal consciousness. 


On a more practical level, yoga is about balancing and uniting the body, mind and emotions.  This is done through the practice of asana (posture), pranayama (breath/life force), mudra (seal), bandha (energy lock), shatkarma (purification) and meditation.

Put simply, yoga is a spiritual, mental and physical practice.


The practice of yoga is about developing control over the mind and breath, overcoming physical limitations and transcending the ego.  Yoga teaches us to move through ignorance and experience detachment from the material world and outside influences, to develop a greater desire for life and find true meaning in the world.





'Mindfulness thru Movement'


I have combined the different types of yoga, adapting my own style of exercise through movement – ‘mindfulness thru movement'; deep stretch, strength, flexibility and somatics with conscious breathing and relaxation.


I offer the opportunity of time-out from our daily lives, shifting ourselves from a space of DO-ing to a space of BE-ing. 


By focusing on the present moment we allow ourselves the awareness of going within, stilling our minds from the chit-chat, demands and responsibilities of the outside world and listening to the subtle messages from our intuition and our bodies.


Returning to our lives renewed...


The goals of yoga include:


  • Joining of the mind, body and spirit – bringing the self into a state of harmony.

  • Attaining stillness of the mind.

  • To direct the mind to one thought/object and sustain concentration without distraction.

  • To develop a higher state of thinking and gain enlightenment.

  • To live a life of discipline, balance, peace and love.


Ultimately yoga means to become one with the divine.


Yoga Class
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